Chromatin Club 6

Another great meeting with a few new faces! This week we had Jan-Hendrik Spille from Ibrahim Cisse's lab. Jan is going to be starting his own lab next year at University of Illinois at Chicago - good luck Jan! Aditi Chakrabarti also joined us from the Mahadevan lab. Aditi heard me talk about image processing during a HCBI talk where I also shamelessly advetrised the Chromatin Club. Aditi has a tonne of interests and we had a nice chat about the nuclear mechanics. This month we also had a Sirui Liu who joined the Ovchinnikov and my lab recently as a jointly advised post-doc. Sirui joins us from Peking University and has a background in chromatin. She's excited to learn about phylogenetics with Sergey. Welcome to Harvard Sirui!

I think next time I'll get someone else to take the photos! 
