Chromatin Club V

After a summer break I started our chromatin club again. This time we were joined by Dushan Wadduwage (Center for Advanced Imaging), Assaf Amitai (Chakraborty lab), Kristin Koenig (JHDSF), Haitham Shaban (Seeber lab), Jun-Han Su (Zhuang lab), Lingluo Chu (Kleckner lab) and Nuno Martins (Wu lab). Nuno found our club after attending a talk I gave for the Harvard Center for Biological Imaging about building image analysis pipelines with Ilastik and KNIME (link here). It seems that there is a definite need for greater knowledge sharing on image processing as many biologists simply don't know exactly what tools are available to them. I'm a great proponent of the forums as way to bring the image processing community together. I also think that any imaging facility should have a group of dedicated image processing specialists. 

It was great to have Nuno Martins over from HMS with us for this meeting. So far the majority of people coming to the chromatin clubs have been doing live cell chromatin imaging so it was truly a pleasure to learn more about DNA paint and what is next for the chromatin topology field. 
